雷雨’s blog



来月は あなたの声が 聴こえてる

悩みを解消する魔法の言葉の作り方 1.劣等感に対する魔法の言葉 2.蓋をした気持ちを思い出す魔法の言葉 3.恐れていることに対する魔法の言葉 4.自分の気持ちを癒す魔法の言葉 続きは「こころにまるを」の無料メールにて。

1ヶ月 恋しさ糧に 乗りきった

【お知らせ】 明日の記事を最後に、再び休止させていただきます。 再開はTwitterにてお知らせしますので、そちらを御確認ください。 四回目の 月明かり のようです 空は澄みきっていた ので 下町は できるだけ あらゆるものを なるべく丁寧に たった少しの時…

I don't want to put a shame on you.

Dear Sir or Madam. What are you doing now? My feelings are not spring yet. There is something to laugh, but I do not smile from my heart. I will always be with you. What do you think and what kind of life do you live? I'm very worried. I s…

To busy you.

Dear Sir or Madam. How's it going? I have recently changed the world as much as I am surprised. For me, my relationship with people has become a lot of fun. Talk with lots of people as you are gone and fill that loneliness. I did not think…

I do childish behavior without knowing your hard work.

Dear Sir or Madam. How is the weather over there? The rain will increase here and the thunder will roar. It is my favorite weather. Well, I also acted like a child. I have to stay independent, but I am still inexperienced. I need time. I w…

You chose to disappear for me in good or bad way.

Dear Sir or Madam. How is the temperature there? I recall you every time I feel the warmth of spring. You still bring me good luck and protect me. Your thoughts are transmitted. I do not know if that is the truth, but I do not want to doub…

A month has passed since you disappeared.

Dear Sir or Madam. It will be over in April soon. I imagined what I would like to experience with you. I want to go see a movie. I would like to go to the aquarium or the zoo. Even an amusement park is OK, but I can not enjoy it much. I wa…

言の葉に 偽り無いと 信じてる

頑張っても悩みは解消しない理由 「決め事」を強化するスパイラルを続けていることに変わりはない 「認められない自分」を克服しようと頑張れば頑張るほど、「決め事」を強化するスパイラルを強烈に回している 決め事から「逃れる」頑張りではなく、決め事を…

占いが 変わりはじめて 期待する

悩みを生み出す思い込み 1.人が本質的に求めているもの 2.悩みを生み出す勘違い:目的と手段を取り違える 3.悩みを生み出す勘違い:愛情を人からもらおうとする 4.愛情は誰からもらうか 5.自分を大事にするとは 6.自分の中にいる小さな自分に愛情…

I could not move looking at a car that looked like your car.

Dear Sir or Madam. How is your life? I'm breathed. There are a lot of strangers. But, you may be more painful. So, I am doing my best. If you are anxious, I would like to cheer up. You are the smile best. I like your smile. I hope someday …

30 minutes with you is the last gift you gave me.

Dear Sir or Madam. Are you being careful about a cold? I doubt you recently. I am also wondering where the tie pins go. If you are close to you, things that you do not mind come out more and more. I am anxious when I am far away. Because I…

The world without you is boring and fear spreads.

Dear Sir or Madam. Are you doing your best? I feel that enlightenment has opened. Something is different from usual. There is no time to think about you. I am also trying hard while being frightened day by day. There is a person who someti…

Like a rabbit I feel sad and dying.

Dear Sir or Madam. Are you not depressed? I am in a feeling left behind. It behaves as though it were nothing around. Time goes on without you. But I am alone. I am standing here. I can not get anything. And I feel that I do not like every…

I am like a dog who lost the owner.

Dear Sir or Madam. To you who lives a new life. I am anxious everyday. There are a lot of disgusting things. I think that is life, but I am hard. I have been with you because you were there. But I do not have you anymore. My support has di…

優しさは あなたがくれた 置き土産

遠距離の片思いで心がけるべき6つのこと 1.焦らない 2.最初の半年が肝心 3.下心を見せない 4.程よい距離を維持する 5.彼があなたに魅力を感じている場合 6.未来を見せる 【恋の教訓】 遠距離の片思いは 程よい距離を維持して 魅力を感じさせ、…

映像で あなたの笑顔 虹架かる

遠距離の片思いを成就させる方法・10選 ① 連絡をとることを相手の日常にする ② 気遣いを忘れない ③ 会えないからこそ自分磨き ④ コミュニケーションは素直に ⑤ イベント時にカードを送る ⑥ 「ついで」っぽく会いに行く ⑦ 会うときはドキドキさせる ⑧ 焦らず…


皆様、こんにちは。 雷雨です。 さて、熊本地震から1年が経ちました。ご存知だと思いますが、少し震災について説明させていただきます。 4月14日の前震で最も大きい震度7を観測し、約2時間半後の4月15日には最大震度6強の地震が発生。 最初の地震から約28時…

It has been a month since I got a return.

Dear Sir or Madam. Did you get used to your new life? I will not get used to it. I am lonesome here where you are not here. I am sick and not so good. It will idle if you are not there. But I am working hard. I am searching for something d…

I noticed you were a great person.

Dear Sir or Madam. How are you? My heart hurts. I want to see you. I want to talk with you. I want to hear your voice. I want to see your smile. But I will not say it to you. Because I do not want to worry about you. You are surely more pa…

The mini concert was awesome.

ヘクター・バルボッサ役のジェフリー・ラッシュ様からファンレターの返信をいただきました! 返していただけるなんて、なんて太っ腹! 人生でお返事がきたのは初めてのことでございまする。 しかも、海外に送ったファンレターも初めてです。 感謝感激!! で…


甘い雪はまるで綿菓子のように。 白い兎はスノーボールのように。 *Tragedy is also a miracle.* 誰もが夢見るニューヨーク。 沢山の人とペットが集う街。 4月になったばかりの今日は温かい散歩日和であった。 それにもかかわらず、病院の窓から外を見るこ…